Friday, April 10, 2009

Oil Consumption Chart by country

Here is a pie chart of oil consumption by country for the year of 2007. America takes more oil than China, Japan, Russia, and India combined. A quarter of all the world's oil is going to America. Fifty five percent of that oil is produced from within America while forty five of the oil in America is imported. Our standing to those oil countries we depend on is fragile. You can bet our country kisses ass when it comes to the oil countries we depend so much on. Should something happen to our relationship with those countries, and another Embargo takes effect on our country, we would go down, I believe. I am not too into politics or the economy, but I do know lessening our dependency on foreign oil will lessen our need to butt kiss the countries we receive our oil from. Opening up new oil fields in America isn't going to work. Come on people, think! Think RENEWABLE, think ALTERNATIVE!!! Energy statistics (2009, April 10). Retrieved April 10, 2009 from

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